Food Shall Be Thy Medicine
We have created a surgical approach to Pet Food: We review each ingredient and make them GMO-free, certified organic, preservative, gluten and antibiotic-free, human grade pet food. We, at Cornucopia, pay more money to produce the purest and most honest food for pets on Earth.
Since it is not politically correct, and threatening, to the medical business to use the word “cure”, we will use the word “correct” – as I was incorrectly accused of “curing” on an episode of Shark Tank. We are correcting IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and IBD (irritable bowel disease), diabetes, liver toxicity, and immune deficiencies. We are replacing cheap and poor-grade dietetics of common pet foods with fantastic, real nutrition that comes from using human-grade ingredients. We have created “foods for pets” under the name Cornucopia throughout my career and in my long tenure as a veterinarian and pet nutritionist, I have never seen a product on the market anywhere such as the foods we have developed.
We have become–and you must become (to help your pet)—the human shield against the toxic food that your pet is eating in the name of big corporate and stockholder profits. Making cheap food creates greater profits at our animal’s expense.
Unwittingly, personal greed and selfishness is also displayed by the consumer/owner of the pet. I believe that it is fair to say the affordability of feeding our loved ones honest and pure organic food is worth reversing the physical mayhem created in their bodies by continuing to feed our pets truly toxic foods. Is the need for swilling down a latte (a milky, sugary, caffeine-laden treat) that costs about the same as nourishing your pet for the entire day more important than taking care of your pet who relies on you for everything in his life? You can have both, but your pet should come first. That is what is fair, my friends and pet lovers. By the way, this is my 50th year of practice as a veterinarian and a nutritionist and we haven't had a case of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, IBS, urinary bladder disease, ect, ect in decades. We don't cure cancer, but we are damn sure preventing it. Why don't we have liver disease? Because our food does not contain toxic chemicals like Phenobarbital or Pentobarbital which are the ingredients in euthanasia solutions that goes into an animal when they are put to sleep. Eating ingredients like this cause chronic liver and kidney disease. Now let me ask you something, how in the world are these euthanasia drugs showing up in billions of dollars worth of worthless pet food that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has diligently pulled off the shelves very recently? Lets go through this again.
- these are euthanasia drugs
- these drugs were put inside animals to kill them
- these drugs were not metabolized by the animals because the animals are dead
- these drugs are now showing up in enormous amounts of pet food, snacks, and treats.
- no one is telling you how the drugs got in the pet foods
- stop texting for a moment and think about it
- do you have an answer for me? Any guesses?
- Big time, small time, highly advertised, national and international name brand pet foods, names you have been trusting for decades.
- Call Cornucopia and learn the truth. Stop feeding pet food and start buying antibiotic free, gluten free, cage free, GMO free, preservative free, toxic chemical free, real, organic, human grade FOOD FOR PETS.
- Please call Cornucopia and get the truth. We have been helping concerned pet parents now in our 50th year. Blessings and love, Doc.
Call Doc at (631) 427-7479, or comment what ever questions you have below, it's my gift to you.