Human Food For Dogs: A Guide to What Dogs Can Eat

If you have a dog at home, you probably view him or her as a member of your family. This means that you need to provide your dog with plenty of healthy nutrition as well. That is why you think carefully about the type of dog food do you give your dog, only giving him or her healthy ingredients. On the other hand, you may run out of food from time to time. If you run out, what can you feed your dog instead? There are plenty of human food options that they will enjoy; however, not all of them are healthy. What do you need to think about?

Considerations for Feeding Your Dog Human Food

If you are looking for an alternative to traditional food for your canine friend, there are a few considerations you need to make. These include:
  • Stay away from any food that has a lot of sugar, salt, or spice in it. A dog does not have the same taste buds as a human. These foods could lead to an upset stomach, causing vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.
  • In addition, you should also stay away from processed foods. Processed foods contain a lot of synthetic ingredients that are going to lead to GI inflammation. This can lead to an upset stomach and your furry friend as well.
  • Only feed your dog lean meat. It should be 80 percent lean. You also need to make sure you cook the meat, remove all skin, and remove all bones. It is very easy for them to choke on bones that could be present in meat.
  • In addition, you also need to think about any allergies or chronic health conditions they may have. Canine food allergies commonly include grain, dairy, eggs, wheat, and soy. Make sure you know what allergies they have before feeding him or her human food.

If you think about this ahead of time, you should be able to find a healthy alternative for your canine friend. Keep in mind that these are only meant to be temporary alternatives. Human meals for dogs are not meant to be long-term solutions. They are meant to be a stopgap until you can get more dog food for them. Take a closer look at what you may be able to feed your dog.

Food from the Pantry

If you take a closer look at your pantry, you may be able to find a variety of food options that your dog will enjoy. A few examples include:
  • Peanut butter, as long as it does not contain a Xylitol in it, which would lead to an upset stomach
  • Vegetable broth if you are looking for extra flavor, as long as it does not contain sodium
  • Complex carbohydrates including couscous and brown rice, as long as it has been cooked thoroughly
  • Canned vegetables including corn, carrots, and peas as long as they have been rinsed well to remove all added sodium

These are common foods that you may have in your pantry that could be suitable for them. Make sure you remove any additives before you give this food to your dog.

dog eating canned veggies

Food from the Refrigerator

You may be able to find a few great foods in your refrigerator as well. A few foods you may have that they may enjoy include:
  • Low-fat Greek yogurt, as long as it is plain, and it does not have any added sugar
  • A few types of mild cheese, including American cheese, as long as your dog does not have an allergy to dairy
  • Sweet potatoes and white potatoes as long as they have been cooked thoroughly
  • Eggs, including scrambled eggs, as long as they do not have an egg allergy
  • Rotisserie chicken as long as all the skin and bones have been removed
  • Certain types of fruits including sliced bananas, pears, blueberries, and strawberries

These are a few great examples of foods you may have in your refrigerator that could be suitable for them. Think carefully before you give your dog human food.

Balanced Foods for Your Canine Friend

If you have run out of traditional dog food for your canine friend, you have plenty of other options available. There are certain human foods that will work well; however, you will want to restock on traditional dog food eventually. That is where we can help you. If you are looking for the best food for your furry friend, take a closer look at our outstanding options. We work hard to make sure that we only use natural ingredients that will provide your dog with plenty of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to keep him or her happy and healthy. Consider picking something from our selection today!
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  • "Many pet foods contain corn as the main ingredient. Dogs and cats are not “cornivores’….they are carnivores!"
  • "If I can’t eat the food, I won’t give it to my pets either."
  • "Our pets are the only ones in our family who give us unconditional love."
  • "The animals are our children. They deserve the same quality food as our two-legged children."
  • "Your pets are members of the family so treat them like members of the family."
  • "I can help your pets live longer, healthier lives."
  • "Feed your pets what your grandfather fed his pets."
  • "Would you eat what you are feeding your pet? No? Then don’t feed it."
  • "Cats are obligate carnivores, not herbivores."
  • "Animals are my children."
  • "You have never in your life been to a doctor or veterinarian who taught you how to prevent disease (or who taught you about nutrition.)"
  • "Developed with Passion by a practicing veterinarian."
  • "If your human children died at 25 instead of 75 that would get your attention as to what is going on with pets."
  • "I am abolishing disease in my practice."
  • "1 out of 5 children in the average American family walks on all fours."
  • "Tell your pet every day that you love them."
  • "You can communicate with your pet, just listen."
  • "Would you feed your other children pet food?"
  • "Think about which members of your family give you unconditional love. Then treat them the same."
  • "We don’t make pet food, we make food for pets"
  • "Give them a “mouse-full”"
  • "Read the ingredients, would you eat that?"
  • "Does your pet deserve any less?"
  • "Where else do you get unconditional love?"
  • "Who is always happy to see you?"
  • "Who never complains about their day?"
  • "Give back to your pets the unconditional love that they give you."
  • "I put unconditional love into my food, my products, my patients, my practice."
  • "These blessed creatures are giving you unconditional love. Feeding them healthy, pure organic food is not much to ask in return."
  • "Let an animal in your heart and experience unconditional love."
  • "Unconditional love is when you love with all that you have."
  • "Unconditional love is giving without taking."
  • "Unconditional love is above all the gift of one’s self."
  • "Unconditional love is above all the gift of life."
  • "Unconditional love is the deepest essence of life."
  • "Unconditional love is always available for the asking."
  • "There is nothing more exhilarating than animal love."
  • "We all need to ask ourselves, “What are we giving to the world?”"
  • "Pursue your passion. I did."
  • "I make pet food the way Mother Nature intended."
  • "You were told your whole life not to feed your pet off the table. That turned out to be a lie to help sell pet food."

- Doc -